Magnitude-5.0 earthquake in NE Iran kills at least 4, injures over 120-Xinhua

Magnitude-5.0 earthquake in NE Iran kills at least 4, injures over 120

Source: Xinhua

Editor: huaxia

2024-06-19 00:05:00

TEHRAN, June 18 (Xinhua) -- At least four people were killed and more than 120 others injured in a magnitude-5.0 earthquake that jolted Kashmar County in the northeastern Iranian province of Khorasan Razavi on Tuesday, the official news agency IRNA reported.

Out of those injured, 35 were hospitalized while the rest were discharged after receiving treatment, the IRNA quoted Kashmar Governor Hojjatollah Shariatmadari as saying.

He noted that two of the victims died after they were hit by falling debris from building facades, while the other two died when a building near the epicenter in Zendehjan village collapsed.

Shariatmadari said all the service and rescue and relief organizations in the province were on alert.

The quake, which occurred at 13:24 local time (0954 GMT) at a depth of 6.0 kilometers, damaged a number of buildings and cars, according to Shariatmadari.

Ali Moniri, managing director of Khorasan Razavi's Red Crescent Society, told the IRNA that two households were trapped under rubble in Zendehjan, adding the society's rescuers were pulling the individuals from the rubble.

Moniri said casualties and damages in the county were being assessed.

According to the IRNA, Kashmar County, located 230 km southwest of the provincial capital Mashhad, has a population of 163,000.