State councilor emphasizes high-quality development of tourism-Xinhua

State councilor emphasizes high-quality development of tourism

Source: Xinhua

Editor: huaxia

2024-05-24 21:46:00

XI'AN, May 24 (Xinhua) -- Chinese State Councilor Shen Yiqin stressed the need to promote the high-quality development of tourism and ensure the protection and passing on of cultural heritage during an investigation and research tour of the country's northwestern Shaanxi Province.

During the three-day tour, which ended on Thursday, Shen visited the Shaanxi History Museum and the Giant Wild Goose Pagoda, two of the most popular attractions in the provincial capital of Xi'an. She called for innovation in museum exhibitions and the improvement of visitor reservation systems to meet tourist demand.

She also visited the Xi'an branch of the China National Archives of Publications and Culture, where she stressed the importance of the collection, research and classified protection of different editions of Chinese classics.

When visiting the famous red tourism destination of Yan'an, which is home to multiple heritage sites related to China's revolution in the modern period, Shen urged efforts to transform red tourism into a new driver of growth in old revolutionary base areas.

During the tour, Shen underlined the importance of developing China's modern tourism system and expanding the country's tourism expenditure. She called on local governments to provide more distinctive and high-quality tourism products based on their respective resources.