Turkish police detain over 8,000 suspects in 11 months over links to failed coup: minister-Xinhua

Turkish police detain over 8,000 suspects in 11 months over links to failed coup: minister

Source: Xinhua

Editor: huaxia

2024-05-24 19:11:30

ANKARA, May 24 (Xinhua) -- A total of 8,153 suspects were detained over the past 11 months across Türkiye over their alleged links to a network accused of orchestrating a coup attempt in 2016, a cabinet minister said Friday.

In a post on social media platform X, Turkish Interior Minister Ali Yerlikaya said between June 1, 2023, and May 15, a total of 5,191 operations were performed.

Of those detained, 1,518 were arrested, and judicial control orders were issued for 1,751 others, he added.

In the latest series of police operations, a total of 45 suspects were detained across 18 provinces in the past four days, he said.

The suspects were allegedly linked to the Gulen movement, which the Turkish government accused of attempting the coup in 2016, claiming the lives of at least 250 people. The government also accuses the Gulen movement of infiltrating the state bureaucracy.

The Turkish government has launched a massive crackdown on suspects with links to the network in the aftermath of the coup attempt.